Christmas Tree Adventures

Last week, in the midst of getting my dissertation ready to send, Jenny and I decided to get a Christmas tree. We found a small, live tree in a pot at a flower shop at the bottom of our square. The lady at the store was helpful, and soon we had a tree!
Then we had to get it home. The lady at the store had an ingenious solution: the tree was sitting in a plastic crate, and she had a metal rod with a handle at one end and a hook at the other that we could use to drag the crate. So far, so good. You can see me dragging the tree to our building in the picture.
Next, we had to get the tree into our flat. This was a bit more interesting. The picture of me with the tree in the wooden box is in our tiny (wooden) elevator. That tree has about the sharpest, pokiest needles I've ever felt (right through my pants, ouch).
Finally, in the flat and set up, we decorated. Now, we just have to figure out what we'll do with it after Christmas. Maybe it will live on our balcony with the pigeons. :-)
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