Matt's Musings

reflections on life in our corner of Central Europe

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Location: Prague, Czechia

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Defense rescheduled for Feb. 28

Due to a conflict in one of the professor's schedules, my defense has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, the 28th. That's fine, actually, as it gave us a chance to enjoy Jenny's spring break last week a bit more. Also, I have some extra time to prepare.

Last evening we had a test run of the video conference. It failed. We're trying again later today, so hopefully it will help.

It will be an open defense, so here's the where and when (you're welcome to be present in person or prayers):

Claremont, CA, USA: Stauffer 106 at Claremont Graduate University from 9:30-11:30am PST

Prague, Czech Republic: B-202 at the International Baptist Theological Seminary from 18:30-20:30 CET