Anna says 'Amen'!

I know I have been terrible at updating this blog since Anna came home. I would love to now tell you all the wonderful, frustrating, cute, and stinky things that have happened, but instead, let's turn to this morning.
Before Annas meals, I have been leading us in prayer. She's starting to catch on to the concept of putting her hands together [I fully recognize that prayer does not rely on our bodily position, although it can be an aid to concentration and putting ourselves in a receptive posture]. We end with 'Amen' also, and she has just started trying to say 'Amen', although it started out sounding quite a bit like 'Anna' at first (Hmmm).
This morning at church, there was a time for anyone to offer prayers of praise and thanksgiving. This is common at our church, and prayers were offered in several languages. At the end of each, we all said 'Amen'. After several of the prayers, she sounded out with an 'Amen' about 2 seconds after everyone else. After that, she was saying 'Amen' or 'yeah' during and after the prayers.
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